Follow me as I follow Christ
- talking2chairs says,
- either I'M talking to YOU are i'm TALKING2CHAIRS.i like to think of myself as being a man of GOD,who likes to talk and like to express my thoughts through writing. i'm not a conformist "it is not a disaster to be unable to capture your Ideal,but it is a disaster to have no Ideal to capture" writng helps.feel free to comment on my blog's.LOVE YOU!
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Monday, January 8, 2024
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Saturday, July 13, 2013
the MASTER POTTER is molding his clay
As the Master Potter molds the clay, it becomes what he has imagined it to be. The clay knows not what it shall become, but the clay knows it has a purpose. The Potter has already seen the outcome of his unfinished works. The clay must endure the bending, stretching and cutting off of those unwanted pieces. As we look in the mirror of our life, we tell ourselves, If I had done this or if I had done that five, ten, fifteen years ago my life would be different. I have often found myself looking in the mirror telling myself these same things. The shadow of doubt cast itself upon you and the voice of fears settles in your eardrums. Temptation blinds the path that you desperately desired to travel and the wheel of time won't slow down, it keeps on rolling and rolling. You tell yourself you forfeited your chance in life to live it to the fullest. I am here to tell you to unbuckle that seatbelt of if I would've, if I could've that's restricting your movement in life and grab hold of the cross of Calvary. It was at the cross, at the cross where we first saw the light of hope, the light of success in our lives. It was at the cross, at the cross as the Son of God hung there and looked down upon you and me and said, this I do for you. Take hold of the life God has ordained for you. It's time to apply your gifts and talents; work with dedication and self-discipline for the Lord. It's time to use your faith to change the season that you are in. You say, Minister Foster, I've lived my life, I'm old, worn and torn, what can I do? I heard a young person say that they were just a babe in the word. Well I ask this question; If not me, If not you, then who? God does not love him no more than he loves her, God doesn't love Pastor no more than he loves me. I heard someone say, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frighten us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God!!!" Romans, The book of Romans says you are conformed to the image of his son. Romans 8:29 "For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters." The poet says, "Sow a thought and reap an act; sow an act and reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny." All I'm saying is that your life is in God's hand, so why are you walking around singing nobody knows the troubles I've seen. You have God's grace, it's a free gift. Hebrews 4:16 says, "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace, to help in time of need." God's grace helps us overcome sin, fear, doubt, lack of, grace causes you to live a triumphant life. At times you get delayed and you start to feel denied. In this life we live, if a turtle races a rabbit, that rabbit will finish the race first, we know that, but in God's arena that turtle has an advocate, someone on his side, stay with me. The rabbit has gotten full spiritually so it's running. What I am saying is that you have gotten full spiritually, she has gotten full, he has gotten full and you are telling this one about God and you are living a purpose filled life and here comes the turtle creeping down the race track of life, where have you been? I got delayed back there, by this and that distraction. My message to the turtle, don't stop running, don't look to the right of you, don't look to the left of you, look straight ahead. Ecclesiastes 9:11 "I returned, and saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift,(go ahead rabbit with your fast self) nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all." What are you trying to tell us man of God? It may not happen today, it may not happen tomorrow but it's going to happen, if it hasn't happened already. God has given us all a cross to carry and it gets heavy to carry, but she is toting her cross and running ahead of you, he has his cross toting it and he is out of sight but keep running. Lift up your eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh your help and my help. That turtle mentality says, its taking me to long I gotta do this in my own strength. You have an advocate, one who is on your side, the Prophet Isaiah called him the root of Jesse, some was sheep without a shepherd, but a Nazarite taught them the word of God and fed them. I call him the Lily of the Valley, he is known as the Great I Am (Jehovah), he is El Shaddai (God Almighty), he is Elohim (Supreme). He is the Potter, and when we describe the essence and origin of man, we are created from the dust of the earth, we are the clay of the earth that is being molded in his image. The Potter molds clay. Pottery is defined as vessels or other objects manufactured from clay and hardened by fire. As the Master Potter continue to observe the clay, his unfinished man of God, as he observes the unfinished woman of God, here come the haters, the finger pointers; I remember when he was this, and I remember when she was that but the Master Potter has his eyes on the clay and conforming it to his image, he looks to his Angels and says, "But as it is written, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him." There is unfinished business, the Master Potter is still working on you. You may start fast like the rabbit and along the highway of life you trip, or run into obstacles. I know I have, we may be dealing with uncomfortable situations in our lives, such as hardships, death of a loved one, sickness, financial struggle and he say this and she say that about you. The Master Potter is bending his clay, the Master Potter is cutting off unwanted areas in your life. The Master Potter knows when you were in your natural state, you were unfit for use, he also knows while preparing the clay, while preparing your life, several stages must take place. Websters dictionary says, the clay was mixed with water then sifted to remove stones and larger particles. This was accomplished with the use of settling basins, and a series of refining pits that gradually produced finer grades of clay, straw, sand, shell or pulverized potsherds that were often added to the clay. These ingredients minimized shrinkage and helped to prevent cracking of the vessel during the drying or firing process. As I read that definition the words refining pit stood out to me. The refining pit is used during the final stages of the refining process to recover precious metal. We all know the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego. They knew what the King didn't know, that the Master Potter (God) was still bending and stretching them, they must have known that being in the fire was the final process of being refined, because they came out of the fire as precious gold! They came out with an ingredient they didn't go in with. I can hear them singing; sticks and stones may break my bones but that fire will never hurt us. When I read Daniel 3:24, "then Nebuchadnezzar the King was astonished, and rose up in haste, and spoke, and said unto the counselors, Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? they answered and said unto the King, true, O King. He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt", let me say that again, and they have no hurt, " and the fourth is like the Son of God." I don't know about you, but I see something in the fire. Fire will cause you to do and say things you don't want to. The Prophet Jeremiah said, "I can't hold my tongue, but his word was in mine heart as a burning fire, shut up in my bones." What I am trying to say is that fire is necessary in our life. When the Potter raises the temperature on the fire to a certain degree, all the material, and elements are being pulled together to strengthen the clay. The Master Potter has put inside of you a Prince, a Princess, A King, or a Queen. There is so much potential in you. The hotter the fire the more blessed you are. After you have come out of the fire, the Lord shows up and shows out in your life. The midnight hour passes, it's a new day. I heard a song and the writer said, "Birds flying high, you know how I feel, Sun in the sky, you know how I feel, Breeze drifting on by, you know how I feel, It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life and I'm feeling good." Now that's the feeling of a person who has come out of the fire. When you come out you gonna tell someone, you will dance, your gonna sing. You will find purpose in your life, God will show you your purpose. Jesus Christ of Nazareth gave the disciples their purpose in Matthews 28:19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." You say whats my purpose, we were created to make manifest the glory of God that is within us, to let our little light shine before the world. To run with beautiful feet with the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 2 Corinthians 4:7, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." We have God controlling the potters wheel of our life, we were formed in his image, created for good works, there are times when we don't know which direction the bending and the stretching will take us. Proverbs 3:5-6' "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths." The Potter has your life in his hands. I leave you with this people of God. In todays time when we hear the word fire we think of destruction but that's not the fire I'm speaking of. I am referring to God's fire, one that renews the mind and the spirit and draws you nearer to him. No matter how small or large the fire in your life may seem, hold on to God's unchanging hands and allow him to work through you, don't quit, don't be discouraged and don't lose sight of the great plans that the Potter has for all of us. written by: Anthony Foster
Saturday, January 5, 2013
talking2chairs: I'M no SINNER,you no SINNER
talking2chairs: I'M no SINNER,you no SINNER: ROMANS 6:23,For the wages of sin is death;but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.When i hear a person or a pastor...
Sunday, December 16, 2012
I'am willing to bet you a wooden nickel,that those presents that you find under that paganistic green tree thats decorated with those flashy lights came from your father and mothers saving and checking accounts.This is not rocket science,yo mamma and yo daddy worked over time to buy those toys up under that tree.Santa is the neighbor next door,the plumber,the mailman,the carpenter,the parking lot attendant,the electrian,the roofer,the cashier,the pole dancer that policeman that gave me that ticket,that hostess,the bartender I think you would agree its time to stop telling lies about the red and white suit,black belt and black boots,reindeers on the roof and those Keebler Elves.Has anyone ever seen an elf? I'am willing to bet a wooden nickel Santa Santa will be in debt. by, ANTHONY FOSTER
ROMANS 6:23,For the wages of sin is death;but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.When i hear a person or a pastor say they are a sinner,I tell that individual you can not be a christian,let me put it this way,you can not be saved and talking about you a sinner.When you call yourself a sinner this is the picture you paint of yourself.This is what you are saying:that you are a fornicator,committing adultery,you are involved in uncleaniness,lasciviousness,idolatry,witchcraft,hatred,emulations and you haven't excepted Jesus Christ as the Savior.See the picture you are painting of yourself.When you call yourself a sinner you are saying that you're a murderer,you are a drunkard there is envying,strife and heresies in your life.This list goes on and on.If you haven't received Jesus Christ who born in Nazareth as Lord and Savior,if you haven't confessed those sins and were baptized for the remission of sins that list of sins I just named they are yours and that makes you a sinner.If you practice sin you are a sinner.If you are a liar you are a sinner.If you cheat on your taxes each year to receive more money you are a sinner.Sin originated in heaven In your bible it says,Lucifer,satan,iniquity was found in him.I can not tell a man,a women,a boy,a girl who has been saved in the name of Jesus Christ that they are a sinner.What comes to my mind is this song "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now Iam found was blind but now I see.I recall another song"What can wash away my sin,nothing but the blood of Jesus ,what can make me white as snow nothing but the blood of Jesus" A person is either SAVED or LOST you are either SHEEP or GOAT ,WHEAT or TARE.You are the light of this world or you are walking in darkness.You can't be saved and be a sinner at the same time.Christian folk will hide under the umbrella of Gods grace.Have you heard them say,I'am a sinner saved by GRACE and they act like the world? You was a sinner.Grace came in the form of Jesus Christ,Grace went to the cross and died for your sins my sins.Grace says sin has no dominion over you.Let me help somebody today,turn your bible to ROMANS 6:14,it reads,For sin shall not have dominion over you:For ye are not under the law,but under grace.I want to bring this point home to those who still believe they are sinners.ROMANS 6:1-2,What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid.How shall we,that are dead to sin ,live any longer therein? Grace enables you to live a Holy life.Every man was born a sinner.Every man,woman,boy,girl was born a sinner because of the sin of one man,Adam.The person who has been "born again" is no longer a sinner,as long as you receive the gift of righteousness.The Grace of God has appeared to all men.Titus 2:11 reads,For the Grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appear to all men.For those Christians who believe Grace is just unmerited,favor a free gift that we don't deserve.If we read verse 12,it says GRACE is teaching us that,denying ungodliness and wordily lusts,We should live soberly,righteously,and godly,in this present world,vs.13,Looking for that blessed hope,and the glorious appearing of the great God and Saviour Jesus Christ;who gave himself for us,that he might redeem us from all iniquity ,and purify unto himself a peculiar people,zealous of good works.Grace came in the form of Jesus Christ.If we have iniquity in our hearts or if we are a sinner,Psalms 66:18 and JOHN 9:31,God will not hear or listen to a sinner.If anyone is God-fearing and a worshipper of him and does Gods will they will be heard.I AM NO SINNER, YOU NO SINNER. written by ANTHONY FOSTER
Friday, October 19, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
America, America, we have PINK PANTY WEARING MEN leading our nation. PINK PANTY WEARING MEN on the jobs, we have PINK PANTY WEARING MEN teaching the classrooms, we have PINK PANTY Wearing Men on the TV. Pink Panty Wearing MEN with wigs on their heads running around on the movie sets. America is going down! The Bible says, a man leaves HIS home finds a woman, marries HER and the TWO become ONE flesh. Some of you men need to go back to your mommy house, unpack your purse, take that PINK LIPSTICK out of you back pocket and get retrained on being a man. The only Marriage GOD will recognize is between a Man AND Woman! GOD will not honor BRUCE and STEVE nastiness,Jehovah want recognize Amanda and Jill's civil union or marriage. We have become a QUEER AMERICA. Why? I am glad you asked! I will tell You. SIN, on election day you went down to the polls and cast your vote. Your vote is leading this nation, your vote does not see anything wrong with same sex marriage. Your vote says, Sin is a friend we can come to the table and DIALOGUE and those that was cast out are now welcome. In the Holy Bible, Proverbs 17:13 says, Whoso rewardeth EVIL for GOOD, Evil shall not depart from his house. This is a heathen nation. I remember when a Man was a Man and a Boy was a Boy. Now the men and boys wear PINK PANTIES and they have PINKshirt, PINKtie and PINKsocks to match. What is with this mess? YOU voted,now the LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bi-sexual, Trans..) is to legit to quit. America has become a nation of NASTILIZATIONism, a.k.a...plain NASTY, unnatural sex, cross-dresser, pinkSHIRT, pinkTIE, pinkSOCK wearing men and homosexuals. I remember when Jack and Jill went up the hill and came back down together, not these days, Jack is going up the hill to marry Bruce, Jill is coming back down married to Latifah. The schools don't allow nursery rhymes, they are too homophobic. Remember when HUMPTY-DUMPTY sat on a wall, remember the itsy bitsy spider and MOTHER GOOSE. Guess what? You can throw those nursery rhymes out the window. Humpty Dumpty is to much of a Man Egg, Mother Goose is to much of a WOMAN and itsy bitsy spider behave like BAPTIST. There is TROUBLE on the HORIZON and guess whose kicking up the dust. PARENTS train up your children. Satan knows if he can DESTROY children at an early age there won't be men and women of of God to fight against DECEPTION. Take prayer out of school and this is what you get, a CROSS-DRESSER teaching the classroom, a PEDAPHILE for a Principal, a LESBIAN hall monitor and a PINKshirt, PINKtie, PINKsock wearing Two Snaps and a twist walking school COUNSELOR. Lord help us all!!! A man is not a man walking around with a purse in his hand. PINK PANTIES belong on women.
Anthony Foster A.k.a. talking2chairs or tttoxikgospHELL4u
Saturday, February 11, 2012
talking2chairs: church is MY hustle,baby!
talking2chairs: church is MY hustle,baby!: so WATCH IT sucker!my name is not Charlie Brown,so why is everybody picking on me?I'm the neighborhood pulpit PIMP and church is my hustle b...
talking2chairs: WANDA JAMES are you marrying him
talking2chairs: WANDA JAMES are you marrying him: (him)Need i remind you she has been married three times,has broken up two happy homes,don't own a house,don't own a car and her bank account...
Thursday, February 9, 2012
talking2chairs: A word from the Pastor
talking2chairs: A word from the Pastor: i thought YOU knew,pimping is not easy and money doesn't grow on tree's.So where is it gonna come from? yep,your bank account,your purse,his...
Monday, April 11, 2011
PINK the Identity Thief
Remember the ALL In The Family of course you don't those was the dazes.what happen to the day when men were men and boys were boys?the girls wore PINK dresses,yellow shirts.TODAY the men wear the pink shirts,pink ties and pink socks with a Mohawk hair cut and twisting,ain't nothing wrong with the Mohawk hair cut,but if he is wearing those colors and twisting, need i say more? yep! that person got a whole lot of,a whole lot of sugar in his tank.NOW some of you are sitting there asking yourself what is wrong with wearing PINK? AND I understand some of you are faced with this dilemma,your wife is dressing you,are maybe your girlfriend is picking out your clothes for you because in her mind you just do not know how to dress yourself.I'm here to tell you,you can wear what ever color you want to wear.I AM not wearing PURPLE,PINK and BERRY. what!,WHAT!you say,clothes don't make the man
man make the clothes,you keep believing that you go I have a woman's dress,why you don't want to wear that dress?Mr.,clothes don't make the the man.IT is about IDENTITY,understand what I'M sating?Society identify the boy or man by what color he identify the girl or women by what colors she was wearing.and if there is no truth to what i am saying,why is there a natural reaction,a thinking in your mind when you see a man wearing a woman's dress,walking a certain way,talking a certain way,instantly something tell you that boy ain't RIGHT,he gay.He can have on blue jeans and a shirt and you being a female he walk by you walking like you walk,automatically,that instance something gonna be like that boy ain't right,he understand what I'm saying?It is an IDENTITY FACTOR.society,its a make up of your social background,your peers,the people you hang out with,your age group.Society says a woman has long hair,nice long hair,pretty face,fingernails and she smells so good.Now if that same women or girl cut her hair short,put on a muscle shirt,let her pants sag,naturally something gonna be like that ain't right.I'm digging deep into this because SATAN is the master of deception and if he can still your IDENTITY,the essence of who you were made to be,then he can conquer everything else in your life.Sound the alarm,wake up the watchmen,they are asleep.The ENEMY crept in and you are unaware.HE is sitting at the dinner table with his PINK shirt on smiling.Identity! its whats make an entity definable and recognizable.Identity an individuals comprehension of him or her.Simply stated you are defined by how you look,what you wear and by what colors you wear.I'm not making this up.My grandmother and mom identified us by what color we wore and yours did it too.When you was a kid your grandmother or mom put blue,black and gray on you,PINK was reserved for your sister,yellow was her color.Now you've grown up,I can wear pink and yellow too,its nothing but a fashion statement,that's how it was back then, it ain't like that today.Maybe in your world but not in my world.They tell me all the time ,you so old fashion.My reply,You don't never get to old to know right from wrong.Some of you men never wore PINK until that women came into your life,until you got married.She's dressing you now.She criticized the way you dressed.Now when you go in the closet to get your clothing,you be saying ,hey do i look in this? should i match this with this? You can't dress yourself anymore.You have become a cripple when it comes to dressing.When she goes in the closet to assist you in dressing,whats the first color shirt she comes out with? she is handing you a PINK shirt.I met a couple the other day .The female and male had on pink shirts.I will show you how Satan is working his deception.That woman got you believing its OK to wear pink,after all she has good taste,right.In the Garden of Eden,Satan used a small fruit,something simple to steal Adam and Eve's identity,Lucifer stole what they was meant to be.Satan is using colors to steal your Identity.For years and years Pink was the color for homosexuals.They used that color to distinguish themselves from the straight men.Now you are getting yourself dressed,as you stand in front of the mirror,you are putting on your hot pink tie and your wife pass by and says you look cute with that tie on and you respond,thank you.Wait a minute! cute!,cute! I don't want to be cute,I'm handsome.Satan is tagging you and you don't realize it.Describing a males attire as being cute and pretty are not compliments.You don't understand what I'm saying.If it looks pretty on me I'm taking it off.Momma didn't raise me to look pretty,grandmother didn't teach me to be cute and they didn't teach me to run around in a dress.A grown man running around with a dress on.YOU HAVE BECOME A PARTAKER IN SOMETHING UNWARILY.You are telling yourself .i look cute with this tie,this shirt looks pretty on me.We are being influenced by words that shouldn't even begin to describe who I am,who you are,don't call me gorgeous! the power of words ,I UNDERSTAND the power of words.In their bible "THE BOOK OF JAMES" talks about the tongue,chapter 3 describe the tongue as being a little member,its a fire.Once you speak it,its out in the air,that's why you can't tell these little boys certain things.He's cute ,pretty,gorgeous they will grow up acting cute.It want be so cute when everybody knows your son is wearing PINKshirt,PINKtie,PINKsocks and wearing a mo hawk and twisting.Men you are a victim of IDENTITY THEFT. lyrics by ANTHONY F
man make the clothes,you keep believing that you go I have a woman's dress,why you don't want to wear that dress?Mr.,clothes don't make the the man.IT is about IDENTITY,understand what I'M sating?Society identify the boy or man by what color he identify the girl or women by what colors she was wearing.and if there is no truth to what i am saying,why is there a natural reaction,a thinking in your mind when you see a man wearing a woman's dress,walking a certain way,talking a certain way,instantly something tell you that boy ain't RIGHT,he gay.He can have on blue jeans and a shirt and you being a female he walk by you walking like you walk,automatically,that instance something gonna be like that boy ain't right,he understand what I'm saying?It is an IDENTITY FACTOR.society,its a make up of your social background,your peers,the people you hang out with,your age group.Society says a woman has long hair,nice long hair,pretty face,fingernails and she smells so good.Now if that same women or girl cut her hair short,put on a muscle shirt,let her pants sag,naturally something gonna be like that ain't right.I'm digging deep into this because SATAN is the master of deception and if he can still your IDENTITY,the essence of who you were made to be,then he can conquer everything else in your life.Sound the alarm,wake up the watchmen,they are asleep.The ENEMY crept in and you are unaware.HE is sitting at the dinner table with his PINK shirt on smiling.Identity! its whats make an entity definable and recognizable.Identity an individuals comprehension of him or her.Simply stated you are defined by how you look,what you wear and by what colors you wear.I'm not making this up.My grandmother and mom identified us by what color we wore and yours did it too.When you was a kid your grandmother or mom put blue,black and gray on you,PINK was reserved for your sister,yellow was her color.Now you've grown up,I can wear pink and yellow too,its nothing but a fashion statement,that's how it was back then, it ain't like that today.Maybe in your world but not in my world.They tell me all the time ,you so old fashion.My reply,You don't never get to old to know right from wrong.Some of you men never wore PINK until that women came into your life,until you got married.She's dressing you now.She criticized the way you dressed.Now when you go in the closet to get your clothing,you be saying ,hey do i look in this? should i match this with this? You can't dress yourself anymore.You have become a cripple when it comes to dressing.When she goes in the closet to assist you in dressing,whats the first color shirt she comes out with? she is handing you a PINK shirt.I met a couple the other day .The female and male had on pink shirts.I will show you how Satan is working his deception.That woman got you believing its OK to wear pink,after all she has good taste,right.In the Garden of Eden,Satan used a small fruit,something simple to steal Adam and Eve's identity,Lucifer stole what they was meant to be.Satan is using colors to steal your Identity.For years and years Pink was the color for homosexuals.They used that color to distinguish themselves from the straight men.Now you are getting yourself dressed,as you stand in front of the mirror,you are putting on your hot pink tie and your wife pass by and says you look cute with that tie on and you respond,thank you.Wait a minute! cute!,cute! I don't want to be cute,I'm handsome.Satan is tagging you and you don't realize it.Describing a males attire as being cute and pretty are not compliments.You don't understand what I'm saying.If it looks pretty on me I'm taking it off.Momma didn't raise me to look pretty,grandmother didn't teach me to be cute and they didn't teach me to run around in a dress.A grown man running around with a dress on.YOU HAVE BECOME A PARTAKER IN SOMETHING UNWARILY.You are telling yourself .i look cute with this tie,this shirt looks pretty on me.We are being influenced by words that shouldn't even begin to describe who I am,who you are,don't call me gorgeous! the power of words ,I UNDERSTAND the power of words.In their bible "THE BOOK OF JAMES" talks about the tongue,chapter 3 describe the tongue as being a little member,its a fire.Once you speak it,its out in the air,that's why you can't tell these little boys certain things.He's cute ,pretty,gorgeous they will grow up acting cute.It want be so cute when everybody knows your son is wearing PINKshirt,PINKtie,PINKsocks and wearing a mo hawk and twisting.Men you are a victim of IDENTITY THEFT. lyrics by ANTHONY F
Monday, December 13, 2010
Santa is no EASTER bunny
ho!,ho!,ho!,Merry christmas,RUDOLPH the red nose reindeer,FROSTY the snowman.i dont believe in SANTA.this DAD had to work to hard son,daughter.i had to do overtime to buy thOSE PRESENTS and i am noT giving all that credit to some pale face man coming down the chimney.I AM mad at my daddy,told me that lie when i was a kid, I found the toys in the closet,then my parents gonna tell me Santa put them there and he was in a hurry he didnt have time to wrap them.i BeLIEVED them! you should be ashamed LIEing to your children,talking about its all done in fun.YOU are not suppose to lie in the name of i am GROWN never had a christmas tree in my HOME ,my CHILDREN wants to know WHY and i think back to that LIE,that was told to me when i was a kid,then i look my children in their EYE then point to the SKY and say, ALL YOUR BLESSING COME FROM UP HIGH ,DONT BELIEVE THAT santa clause LIE . IMJUSTTALKING2chairs.ANTHONYf.
Friday, September 10, 2010
tight BOOTY pants
tight booty pants,pinkshirt,PINKtie,PINKSOCKS.does that describe you? well,Iam about to talk about you.Remember Archie Bunker(All In The Family)those were the days when men were men and boys were boys.Lamont had Fred Sanford(Sanford and Son),J.J.had,James Evans(Good Times).we HAD real men to watch on television,to mold us,to inspire us to be real men.Now the role models are Bernie Mac+Steve Harvey+Tyler Perry =,add those three together what do you get?answer.=little Richard,yes,funny. that reminds me,gotta go! THIS WILL BE CONTINUED AT A LATER TIME. talking2ckairs
Thursday, September 2, 2010
A word from the Pastor
i thought YOU knew,pimping is not easy and money doesn't grow on tree's.So where is it gonna come from? yep,your bank account,your purse,his wallet.Iam the crook,i meant to say,Iam your pastor you can trust me baby! I have 30,000 members,if i am such a DEVIL,why am I blessed like only have 20,30,maybe 500 people the most sitting in your church.You betta get your hustle on.I meant to say,I have a sermon outline you can purchase. Since you my boy,I'll let you have it for $250.00.My bad,I meant to say a "donation" of $250.00.As a PASTOR my job is to save the lost at any cost.MY cost is higher than yours,can we all just get alone?you are offering SALVATION for free.well, mines come with a layaway plan.YOU PUT a tenth(that's your tithes),like i said, you put a tenth of it down on Sunday and on the following Sunday you betta come with the rest if it.IF not I will send our deacon door collection services to your house and the D.D.C.S. don't come back empty handed.iF you pay on time,I'LL send you a bottle of motor oil,oops!,olive oil, i meant to say olive oil,for self anointing and our Holy towel,to go along with it.We hear at T2C MINISTRY call it the tear drop towel.So many of my members use it to wipe their weeping eyes and you will be using it to once you WAKE UP!start smelling the coffee.oh yeah! send all funds to :no nickles no dimes ChurchHUSTLERBABY,GOTTA GET MINE AVENUE imjusttalking2chairs. ANTHONY F.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
WANDA JAMES are you marrying him
(him)Need i remind you she has been married three times,has broken up two happy homes,don't own a house,don't own a car and her bank account is standing at get ready,get set,still waiting to go! For those of you who don't understand what i just said,the heifer is broke!My woman didn't know how to spell Jesus Christ nor had she ever seen the inside of a church until the day I came into her life. I'm not saying I'm God's anointed but i do have a relationship with the Lord.Now look at her,if you could only see my baby girl now.Why do i constantly hear,Wanda James you gonna marry him? its the voice of her mother,my soon to be mother in law.Look here lady I'M marrying your daughter, not you!.Why you worrying about if i have a job,what time I'am coming back home to my house,why i go to the bar with my friends then come back drunk.I know what you are thinking ,he must not be a christian because I drink and get drunk but don't christian do those things?the ones i know do.anyway,I already told you i have a relationship with God.Im NO SAINT! well,im a Saints fan. All i'm saying is why is the MOTHER all in my business?the day Wanda moved in with me she brought her mother.It was'nt a package deal but i excepted IT and now I cant do anything right!I CAN NOT please this woman,this heathen!yeah she is a heathen!.when i come home from work guess who is sitting at the kitchen table.You don't want to eat?i cooked today.what!,you dont like my reply ,I stopped at the fast food and had a bite.WHAT I really want to say is I'M not eating that mess!you cant make a sloppy Joe sandwich for me.I might wake up next to Elvis Presley!and thats not happening,not today,Nope!Next time i put the trash out her mother is going with it,she can scare the cats.YESTERDAY i was sitting on the sofa ,clipping my toe nails ,my soon to be wife and her mother was in the room too as i start to clip the big toe I HEAR girl look at them toes i wouldnt want those feet next to mine,thats nasty! WANDA JAMES are you marrying him? imjust talking2chairs. ANTHONY F.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
church is MY hustle,baby!
so WATCH IT sucker!my name is not Charlie Brown,so why is everybody picking on me?I'm the neighborhood pulpit PIMP and church is my hustle baby!what is yours? ITS NOT MY FAULT i can talk a cat off a fish truck at lunch time.don't hate the player hate the game.I do my job and i do my job good.your JOB as a christian is to study your bible and study and study!you ain't doing your job.i got a silver tongue.I was trained at the seminary to sell ice to Eskimo's already living in a igloo.YOU AN ESKIMO?YOU BUYING,Im SELLING.preaching is what i do. after i preach put my message against what the bible is saying.IF IT DON'T FIT WITH THE BOOK GIVE IT THE HOOK.REJECT IT!!!!! make sure its the HOLY BIBLE,written by holy men inspired by GOD.If you want to feed the bear with your hand and honey covering your arm,ouch!you probably want get that arm back,if you survive.if i tell you "money cometh" where you think its coming from? from your hand to mine,from your account to mine.let me tell you an ancient Chinese secret.SALVATION IS FREE!so why you paying for it?you want healing?lay your hands on that area of your body and say in the name of JESUS CHRIST iam want a financial blessing ?get a job. keep on believing you can buy your way into heaven.guess who the gatekeeper is,yep ,its me.the pulpit pimp here to gladly receive your LOVE OFFERING.WHATS wrong with the mAN of GOD getting paid!i have bills to pay too. so what its my your spiritual leader you dont want me standing in line with a group of people when the rapture,when God comes back for his people.I cant tote all that money on me , so you see, my Jet is don't want your pastor riding on a Chariot,do you? i'am not begging ,but your pastor needs two millions dollars ,i sold my soul to satan and i want to buy it back.ya'll don't hear me i'am just talking2chairs. ANTHONY F.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
dude! my dad is COMING home
"a child is filled with foolishness,but a rod of correction will drive that foolishness from him." Another month another year my dad isn"t coming home.he'll show up this FATHER'S DAY i just know he will.WHY am I lieing to myself? no phone call,no post card ,no nothing!Mother never mention his name.I wonder is he alive.I tell myself he works for the government as a secret agent and because off security reason he is not allowed to show his identity.HE is a James Bond type of dude you know a secret agent man.lies,lies,lies!HE is a deadbeat asshole who care less about me and more about himself.DAD, today is your day today is your opportunity today can be our day together.OUR first Sunday together don't let the moment pass you by.dude!my dad is COMING just talking2chairs.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
trouble at the TABLE
wAKE up!smell the coffee something is in it.There is one bible,THE HOLY BIBLE. two days ago the Mormons came knocking at the door.guess what they brought with them their own bible! they told me John Smith was a disciple and that he wrote the Mormon's bible.Now I'M thinking to myself I heard of Peter,Paul,John the Baptist,James,even Judas.I never heard of John Smith,curiosity made me listen to what they had to say and I figured if KRS-ONE could write a bible called the gospel of Hip-Hop then two white boys riding a bicycle in my neighborhood,where crime rate is higher then a prostitute skirt! then this dude John SMITH must be worth dieing for.To make a long story short we are at the table talking,then i hear a knock at my door.i open the door two elderly men introduce themselves as Jehovah witness and guess what they brought with them their own bible!(the Jehovah Witness Bible).I know what you are thinking because I thought it too what are the odds,the Mormons,the Jehovah Witness at my house at the same time.I'm about to be messy,like my aunt Rhonda,she's always starting trouble.She tells everyone she's a Pastor because she knows so much about the Bible.Gentlemen come on in sit down,I've noticed you have brought your bible too.I have two disciples of john smith sitting at the table and I have the Holy Bible written by Holy men inspired by God! I WISH YOU COULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK ON THEIR FACES. I was waiting for someone to politely excuse themselves from the debate that we were about to have,But to my surprise they were geared up,ready like Freddy.Verbal warfare was on their mind.Moments later I hear a knock on my door so i excuse myself from the table open the door and its my Aunt Rhonda, come on in aunt Rhonda,as she walks by I'M thinking this is too good to be true! or Am I being Punk'd? Auntie Rhonda is a walking bible! she has a scripture for everything and can quote the bible from Genesis to Revelations.I guess there is an Aunt Rhonda in every family! she sits at the table ,notices the Mormon bible,the Jehovah Witness bible,and then she turns and looks at me and says the devil is a lie;I REBUKE these demons in the name of JESUS,these people going to Hell! As i turn around to head back in the opposite direction,aunt Rhonda shouts and says where are you going? I reply,I hear the Holy Spirit knocking on the door I'm gonna open the door.This a true story.The names have not been changed to protect the innocent and I'M just Talking2Chairs. ANTHONY F.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
light pink, dark pink, hot pink, piss pink! It's still pink to me. Easter Sunday,at church there was to much PINK for me!.everybody had on pink,except me.i'm old school.they call me James Evans,remember "GOOD TIMES" the TV mother wore PINK and my sister wore PINK.the men has stole the PINK shirts from the women.I start to itch when i see males wearing pink,they got on PINKshirts,PINKtie,PINKsocks and tight booty pants,the type of pants James Brown wore.PLEASE!PLEASE!PLEASE!someone tell me what happened to the male dress code? i"am standing boldly and proud for the true color's that identified the,BLACK,GREY,white,red those are our PINK,and Berry, them colors your momma should be wearing.on Easter Sunday,YELLOW was mellow,but it was not for the fellow.your hair is longer then your sisters!,your fingernails is longer then your sisters! how you a real man and you have more barrettes in your hair then your will buy your son a blue bike,but you want let him ride a Pink bike ,because IT's for a girl,but you will show up at church with your pinkPINKSHIRT on! i'm just TALKING2CHAIRS.
Monday, April 5, 2010
I'M running and ducking with my helmet on,but SATAN's pull is getting strong.they say behind the enemy line is where you find what aint right,what aint right in GODS EYESIGHT.temptation!!!!. MYself,a male wants to know your view on how a women should dress in the church.on SUNDAY at the church i ATTEND there is breast and ass all over the congregation.THE women love to stand up and praise the Lord with their short!,short! dress on AND THAT AINT RIGHT. if i staY sitting in my chair I GET a BIRD'S EYE VIEW of their nasty,their butt's.I close my eyes, but THIS IMAGE OF THEIR ASS IS what I SEE and it aint my praise that are coming up. my 10 hailmarys and 5 our fathers aint helping this soldier.i would like to hear your thought on how a women should dress in the church.talking2chairs
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Upon Further Inspection I'M in the wrong church!
Am I a true believer of the message of the cross?Should i say it this way?do I believe what my church believe? or am i a partaker in some one's personal views about what they believe the word of God says.Maybe i amjust settling.have i become a victim of it sounds good,look good,so it must be right syndrome?"seek and you shall find,knock and the door will open" I believe that"s happening to me today.And i believe that is what's happening to many church goers,that truly wants the truth.Upon further inspection what i believe is not falling in line with what my church teaches.what should I do ?If i stay its guaranteed that i will become indoctrinated,receive what is false,more important believe wrong.DO i want that? do i want to lead my family in the wrong direction?I SHALL SERVE THE LORD and not man.after,all this is my purpose, this is why i was saved in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God,to do his will.(Mark 28:18)make disciples of men in nations baptize them in the name of the Son,and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe the things of the True God.I am to be peculiar,set apart,that's holiness.To be different from the world."But you must pay for conformity,All goes well as long as you run with conformists.But you,who are honest man in other particulars ,know that there is alive somewhere a man whose honesty reaches to this point also, that he shall not kneel to false GODS,and on the day when you meet him, you sink into the class of counterfeit"am i becoming a counterfeit? or am i that one person who won't kneel to a false god.regardless In the end when life cease to exist there is a price to pay.I concluded that all humans believe in something! I also concluded that i want to be righteous before god,I've also concluded that my belief determines my righteousness.In the end will i have conformed to some religious belief that's gonna send me straight to HELL, busting it the gates of hell wide open. This is what i ask myself. Am i ignorant to the truth ?that which i determine to know and base my life around the true gospel of Christ.
thatPINKSHIRT again
hot pink,you a HOT mess with your berry shirt mom would have whipped ask if i wore that color,they say the worid is very different now Man of God,the times has changed,they say there is nothing wrong with a man wearing a pinkshirt.I tell them ,stop lieing.borderline sissy if you ask me .men WALKING around with hair longer then a horses tail,Iguess i'm old fashion.PINK,PURPLE,YELLOW my sister wore .those colors was reserved for her.BLUE,GRAY,BLACK, I wore,i wore those colors.if dad would have caught me playing Hopscotch,it was world war three and there was no aftermath ,my asK was grass!.little boys playing a tisk -it,a task- it, a green and yellow wondering why your son is wearing PINKshirtPINKtiePINKSOCKS with a mohawk haircut and walking with a twist .YOU DID IT! society has ripped the moral fabric out of the seams of the clothes of IDENTITY.what i'm saying you was recognized by what color you wore.TODAY,today, Jack and Jill aint going up the hill.Bruce and Billy ,climbing the mountain together holding hands,with their pink back pack on.people quick to tell me ,that clothes don't make the man If clothes dont make the man then why are you still wearing those pants?I have a dress you can wear, put on this dress, Mr. clothes,don't make the man! i'm just talking2chairs.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
that gosphell that you hearing,that you believe is toxxxic,dangerous to your salvation.everybody is going to must be reading that bobbie jones bible.Everybody got their own bible ,Muslims,Mormon's,Jehovah Witnesses,Christians,Catholics even Sailors have their own bibles,saw it in the bookstore. HELL is hot and aint nothing going down but lost souls. H.E.L.L. ,hot,hot,hot.hell is an evil place ,hell is down low and lonely,if Jesus Christ the son ofGod said there is a Hell ,you better believe its hot.gospel is toxic! EVERYTIME i go to church,they tell me the bible is all i need for HOLY liiving,if the bible is all i need thenwhy are you selling me your book or CD afterwards,and then i have to pay a hundred dollars for it. when Jesus Christ the Son of God was on earth salvation was free, now their charging interest on a prayer. I'M sounding the ALARM, thats tttoxicgospphell4u and I'M just talking2chairs.
call me oldfashion but dont call me suzie ,the days are gone when men wore black and blue suits they wear pastel ,berry ,soft colors.i'm scared to walk outside with a gray suit on because someone with a pink bandana wrapped around his head might do a drive by shooting.what happened to the real colors,colors,colors.ICE T,N.W.A,you guys should take this to heart,blue and red meant something,i'm not promoting violence but you understand what i'm saying.WHY your man wear borets in his head arent those for girls,why you man stand with his hand on his hipsit with his leg cross,let em hang bro. let them hang.HOLLYWOOD is HOLLYWOOD but in GODS eyesight there is no yur man wear a dress today we laugh when we see men parading around with wigs and dresses on.and we tell ourselves their just actors.Why you dont let your little boy,or son put on a dress.what are you afraid of seems like a double standard to me .call me old fashion EASTER HOLIDAY ,yellow was mellow but it wasnt for the fellow.all im saying is you cant tell the girls from the guys.the boy is toting the purse the girl is carrying the football under arm.I remember when butch was a boys name,and a fishing was something you did with a pole.a poker face was a look you had when sitting at a table playing cards.Remember the TV show ALL IN THE FAMILY of course you dont those was the days.WHAT HAPPEN TO THE DAY WHEN PINK BELONGED TO THE WOMEN?I guess youcan say it was a long time coming,but a change has come.they say change is good,but not in my world.give me the black give me the graygiveme blue ,give me the red,give me the white.YOU CAN HAVE THE PINKSHIRT! i'm just talking2thechairs.
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