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either I'M talking to YOU are i'm TALKING2CHAIRS.i like to think of myself as being a man of GOD,who likes to talk and like to express my thoughts through writing. i'm not a conformist "it is not a disaster to be unable to capture your Ideal,but it is a disaster to have no Ideal to capture" writng helps.feel free to comment on my blog's.LOVE YOU!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


call me oldfashion but dont call me suzie ,the days are gone when men wore black and blue suits they wear pastel ,berry ,soft colors.i'm scared to walk outside with a gray suit on because someone with a pink bandana wrapped around his head might do a drive by shooting.what happened to the real colors,colors,colors.ICE T,N.W.A,you guys should take this to heart,blue and red meant something,i'm not promoting violence but you understand what i'm saying.WHY your man wear borets in his head arent those for girls,why you man stand with his hand on his hipsit with his leg cross,let em hang bro. let them hang.HOLLYWOOD is HOLLYWOOD but in GODS eyesight there is no yur man wear a dress today we laugh when we see men parading around with wigs and dresses on.and we tell ourselves their just actors.Why you dont let your little boy,or son put on a dress.what are you afraid of seems like a double standard to me .call me old fashion EASTER HOLIDAY ,yellow was mellow but it wasnt for the fellow.all im saying is you cant tell the girls from the guys.the boy is toting the purse the girl is carrying the football under arm.I remember when butch was a boys name,and a fishing was something you did with a pole.a poker face was a look you had when sitting at a table playing cards.Remember the TV show ALL IN THE FAMILY of course you dont those was the days.WHAT HAPPEN TO THE DAY WHEN PINK BELONGED TO THE WOMEN?I guess youcan say it was a long time coming,but a change has come.they say change is good,but not in my world.give me the black give me the graygiveme blue ,give me the red,give me the white.YOU CAN HAVE THE PINKSHIRT! i'm just talking2thechairs.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! It’s a shame you can’t tell who is a woman and who is a man. My real close friend “THINKS” he’s a woman! I reminded him every day that God created him as a man. Some of his family member’s refer to him as a girl but I refuse too! He feels that if God didn’t want him to be this way he should have never made him! I told him that God doesn’t make man perfect. One day I brought him to church with me. But he wanted to come in church with his makeup and weave on! I told him that he couldn’t! He was initially shocked and said when he went to church it his other friend they let him be himself. I told him they really weren’t a friend.
