Follow me as I follow Christ

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either I'M talking to YOU are i'm TALKING2CHAIRS.i like to think of myself as being a man of GOD,who likes to talk and like to express my thoughts through writing. i'm not a conformist "it is not a disaster to be unable to capture your Ideal,but it is a disaster to have no Ideal to capture" writng helps.feel free to comment on my blog's.LOVE YOU!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

WANDA JAMES are you marrying him

(him)Need i remind you she has been married three times,has broken up two happy homes,don't own a house,don't own a car and her bank account is standing at get ready,get set,still waiting to go! For those of you who don't understand what i just said,the heifer is broke!My woman didn't know how to spell Jesus Christ nor had she ever seen the inside of a church until the day I came into her life. I'm not saying I'm God's anointed but i do have a relationship with the Lord.Now look at her,if you could only see my baby girl now.Why do i constantly hear,Wanda James you gonna marry him? its the voice of her mother,my soon to be mother in law.Look here lady I'M marrying your daughter, not you!.Why you worrying about if i have a job,what time I'am coming back home to my house,why i go to the bar with my friends then come back drunk.I know what you are thinking ,he must not be a christian because I drink and get drunk but don't christian do those things?the ones i know do.anyway,I already told you i have a relationship with God.Im NO SAINT! well,im a Saints fan. All i'm saying is why is the MOTHER all in my business?the day Wanda moved in with me she brought her mother.It was'nt a package deal but i excepted IT and now I cant do anything right!I CAN NOT please this woman,this heathen!yeah she is a heathen!.when i come home from work guess who is sitting at the kitchen table.You don't want to eat?i cooked today.what!,you dont like my reply ,I stopped at the fast food and had a bite.WHAT I really want to say is I'M not eating that mess!you cant make a sloppy Joe sandwich for me.I might wake up next to Elvis Presley!and thats not happening,not today,Nope!Next time i put the trash out her mother is going with it,she can scare the cats.YESTERDAY i was sitting on the sofa ,clipping my toe nails ,my soon to be wife and her mother was in the room too as i start to clip the big toe I HEAR girl look at them toes i wouldnt want those feet next to mine,thats nasty! WANDA JAMES are you marrying him? imjust talking2chairs. ANTHONY F.

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