Follow me as I follow Christ

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either I'M talking to YOU are i'm TALKING2CHAIRS.i like to think of myself as being a man of GOD,who likes to talk and like to express my thoughts through writing. i'm not a conformist "it is not a disaster to be unable to capture your Ideal,but it is a disaster to have no Ideal to capture" writng helps.feel free to comment on my blog's.LOVE YOU!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

dude! my dad is COMING home

"a child is filled with foolishness,but a rod of correction will drive that foolishness from him." Another month another year my dad isn"t coming home.he'll show up this FATHER'S DAY i just know he will.WHY am I lieing to myself? no phone call,no post card ,no nothing!Mother never mention his name.I wonder is he alive.I tell myself he works for the government as a secret agent and because off security reason he is not allowed to show his identity.HE is a James Bond type of dude you know a secret agent man.lies,lies,lies!HE is a deadbeat asshole who care less about me and more about himself.DAD, today is your day today is your opportunity today can be our day together.OUR first Sunday together don't let the moment pass you by.dude!my dad is COMING just talking2chairs.

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