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either I'M talking to YOU are i'm TALKING2CHAIRS.i like to think of myself as being a man of GOD,who likes to talk and like to express my thoughts through writing. i'm not a conformist "it is not a disaster to be unable to capture your Ideal,but it is a disaster to have no Ideal to capture" writng helps.feel free to comment on my blog's.LOVE YOU!

Monday, April 11, 2011

PINK the Identity Thief

Remember the ALL In The Family of course you don't those was the dazes.what happen to the day when men were men and boys were boys?the girls wore PINK dresses,yellow shirts.TODAY the men wear the pink shirts,pink ties and pink socks with a Mohawk hair cut and twisting,ain't nothing wrong with the Mohawk hair cut,but if he is wearing those colors and twisting, need i say more? yep! that person got a whole lot of,a whole lot of sugar in his tank.NOW some of you are sitting there asking yourself what is wrong with wearing PINK? AND I understand some of you are faced with this dilemma,your wife is dressing you,are maybe your girlfriend is picking out your clothes for you because in her mind you just do not know how to dress yourself.I'm here to tell you,you can wear what ever color you want to wear.I AM not wearing PURPLE,PINK and BERRY. what!,WHAT!you say,clothes don't make the man
man make the clothes,you keep believing that you go I have a woman's dress,why you don't want to wear that dress?Mr.,clothes don't make the the man.IT is about IDENTITY,understand what I'M sating?Society identify the boy or man by what color he identify the girl or women by what colors she was wearing.and if there is no truth to what i am saying,why is there a natural reaction,a thinking in your mind when you see a man wearing a woman's dress,walking a certain way,talking a certain way,instantly something tell you that boy ain't RIGHT,he gay.He can have on blue jeans and a shirt and you being a female he walk by you walking like you walk,automatically,that instance something gonna be like that boy ain't right,he understand what I'm saying?It is an IDENTITY FACTOR.society,its a make up of your social background,your peers,the people you hang out with,your age group.Society says a woman has long hair,nice long hair,pretty face,fingernails and she smells so good.Now if that same women or girl cut her hair short,put on a muscle shirt,let her pants sag,naturally something gonna be like that ain't right.I'm digging deep into this because SATAN is the master of deception and if he can still your IDENTITY,the essence of who you were made to be,then he can conquer everything else in your life.Sound the alarm,wake up the watchmen,they are asleep.The ENEMY crept in and you are unaware.HE is sitting at the dinner table with his PINK shirt on smiling.Identity! its whats make an entity definable and recognizable.Identity an individuals comprehension of him or her.Simply stated you are defined by how you look,what you wear and by what colors you wear.I'm not making this up.My grandmother and mom identified us by what color we wore and yours did it too.When you was a kid your grandmother or mom put blue,black and gray on you,PINK was reserved for your sister,yellow was her color.Now you've grown up,I can wear pink and yellow too,its nothing but a fashion statement,that's how it was back then, it ain't like that today.Maybe in your world but not in my world.They tell me all the time ,you so old fashion.My reply,You don't never get to old to know right from wrong.Some of you men never wore PINK until that women came into your life,until you got married.She's dressing you now.She criticized the way you dressed.Now when you go in the closet to get your clothing,you be saying ,hey do i look in this? should i match this with this? You can't dress yourself anymore.You have become a cripple when it comes to dressing.When she goes in the closet to assist you in dressing,whats the first color shirt she comes out with? she is handing you a PINK shirt.I met a couple the other day .The female and male had on pink shirts.I will show you how Satan is working his deception.That woman got you believing its OK to wear pink,after all she has good taste,right.In the Garden of Eden,Satan used a small fruit,something simple to steal Adam and Eve's identity,Lucifer stole what they was meant to be.Satan is using colors to steal your Identity.For years and years Pink was the color for homosexuals.They used that color to distinguish themselves from the straight men.Now you are getting yourself dressed,as you stand in front of the mirror,you are putting on your hot pink tie and your wife pass by and says you look cute with that tie on and you respond,thank you.Wait a minute! cute!,cute! I don't want to be cute,I'm handsome.Satan is tagging you and you don't realize it.Describing a males attire as being cute and pretty are not compliments.You don't understand what I'm saying.If it looks pretty on me I'm taking it off.Momma didn't raise me to look pretty,grandmother didn't teach me to be cute and they didn't teach me to run around in a dress.A grown man running around with a dress on.YOU HAVE BECOME A PARTAKER IN SOMETHING UNWARILY.You are telling yourself .i look cute with this tie,this shirt looks pretty on me.We are being influenced by words that shouldn't even begin to describe who I am,who you are,don't call me gorgeous! the power of words ,I UNDERSTAND the power of words.In their bible "THE BOOK OF JAMES" talks about the tongue,chapter 3 describe the tongue as being a little member,its a fire.Once you speak it,its out in the air,that's why you can't tell these little boys certain things.He's cute ,pretty,gorgeous they will grow up acting cute.It want be so cute when everybody knows your son is wearing PINKshirt,PINKtie,PINKsocks and wearing a mo hawk and twisting.Men you are a victim of IDENTITY THEFT. lyrics by ANTHONY F

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