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either I'M talking to YOU are i'm TALKING2CHAIRS.i like to think of myself as being a man of GOD,who likes to talk and like to express my thoughts through writing. i'm not a conformist "it is not a disaster to be unable to capture your Ideal,but it is a disaster to have no Ideal to capture" writng helps.feel free to comment on my blog's.LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


America, America, we have PINK PANTY WEARING MEN leading our nation. PINK PANTY WEARING MEN on the jobs, we have PINK PANTY WEARING MEN teaching the classrooms, we have PINK PANTY Wearing Men on the TV. Pink Panty Wearing MEN with wigs on their heads running around on the movie sets. America is going down! The Bible says, a man leaves HIS home finds a woman, marries HER and the TWO become ONE flesh. Some of you men need to go back to your mommy house, unpack your purse, take that PINK LIPSTICK out of you back pocket and get retrained on being a man. The only Marriage GOD will recognize is between a Man AND Woman! GOD will not honor BRUCE and STEVE nastiness,Jehovah want recognize Amanda and Jill's civil union or marriage. We have become a QUEER AMERICA. Why? I am glad you asked! I will tell You. SIN, on election day you went down to the polls and cast your vote. Your vote is leading this nation, your vote does not see anything wrong with same sex marriage. Your vote says, Sin is a friend we can come to the table and DIALOGUE and those that was cast out are now welcome. In the Holy Bible, Proverbs 17:13 says, Whoso rewardeth EVIL for GOOD, Evil shall not depart from his house. This is a heathen nation. I remember when a Man was a Man and a Boy was a Boy. Now the men and boys wear PINK PANTIES and they have PINKshirt, PINKtie and PINKsocks to match. What is with this mess? YOU voted,now the LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bi-sexual, Trans..) is to legit to quit. America has become a nation of NASTILIZATIONism, a.k.a...plain NASTY, unnatural sex, cross-dresser, pinkSHIRT, pinkTIE, pinkSOCK wearing men and homosexuals. I remember when Jack and Jill went up the hill and came back down together, not these days, Jack is going up the hill to marry Bruce, Jill is coming back down married to Latifah. The schools don't allow nursery rhymes, they are too homophobic. Remember when HUMPTY-DUMPTY sat on a wall, remember the itsy bitsy spider and MOTHER GOOSE. Guess what? You can throw those nursery rhymes out the window. Humpty Dumpty is to much of a Man Egg, Mother Goose is to much of a WOMAN and itsy bitsy spider behave like BAPTIST. There is TROUBLE on the HORIZON and guess whose kicking up the dust. PARENTS train up your children. Satan knows if he can DESTROY children at an early age there won't be men and women of of God to fight against DECEPTION. Take prayer out of school and this is what you get, a CROSS-DRESSER teaching the classroom, a PEDAPHILE for a Principal, a LESBIAN hall monitor and a PINKshirt, PINKtie, PINKsock wearing Two Snaps and a twist walking school COUNSELOR. Lord help us all!!! A man is not a man walking around with a purse in his hand. PINK PANTIES belong on women. Anthony Foster A.k.a. talking2chairs or tttoxikgospHELL4u